The History Of Crayola

Crayola crayons have been a staple in American households for over a century. The company was founded in 1885 by Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith in Easton, Pennsylvania. The name "Crayola" is a combination of the French word "craie" (chalk) and the Latin word "ola" (oil). The first Crayola crayons were made from a mixture of paraffin wax, beeswax, and pigment. Today, Crayola crayons are made from a variety of materials, including soy wax, carnauba wax, and talc.

Crayola The Secrets of the Cool Colors and Hot Hues: Ready to Read Level 3 (Science of Fun Stuff)
Crayola! The Secrets of the Cool Colors and Hot Hues: Ready-to-Read Level 3 (Science of Fun Stuff)
by Tuula Pere

4.8 out of 5

Language : English
File size : 11971 KB
Print length : 40 pages

Crayola crayons have come a long way since their humble beginnings. In the early days, the crayons were only available in a limited number of colors. Today, Crayola offers over 120 different colors of crayons, as well as a variety of other art supplies.

The Science Of Crayola Colors

The colors of Crayola crayons are created using a variety of pigments. Pigments are tiny particles that absorb and reflect light. The type of pigment used determines the color of the crayon. For example, the pigment titanium dioxide is used to create white crayons, while the pigment carbon black is used to create black crayons.

The amount of pigment used in a crayon also affects its color. The more pigment that is used, the darker the color of the crayon will be. This is why some colors of Crayola crayons, such as black and navy blue, are darker than others, such as yellow and pink.

The Psychology Of Crayola Colors

The colors of Crayola crayons have been shown to have a psychological effect on people. For example, the color red has been shown to increase heart rate and blood pressure, while the color blue has been shown to have a calming effect. This is why some people use Crayola crayons to create art that is meant to evoke certain emotions.

The colors of Crayola crayons can also be used to create optical illusions. For example, the color white can be used to make objects appear closer, while the color black can be used to make objects appear farther away. This is why some artists use Crayola crayons to create art that is meant to trick the eye.

The Future Of Crayola

Crayola is a company that is constantly innovating. The company is always coming up with new ways to use its crayons and other art supplies. For example, Crayola has recently developed a line of crayons that can be used to create 3D art. The company has also developed a line of crayons that are made from recycled materials.

Crayola is a company that is committed to providing children with the tools they need to express their creativity. The company's products are used by children all over the world to create art that is both beautiful and meaningful.

Crayola crayons are a beloved American icon. The company's products have brought joy to children for over a century. Crayola crayons are more than just a toy; they are a tool for creativity and expression. The colors of Crayola crayons are not just pretty; they have a psychological effect on people. The future of Crayola is bright, as the company continues to innovate and develop new ways to use its crayons and other art supplies.